Thursday, June 18, 2009

E-commerce success and its causes- eBay

In today business world, e-commerce is become more and more important for business activity which conducted over the internet. As we can see, there is more business engaged and sell the products and services online.

eBay, is one of the most successful example of e-commerce business. It is the world’s largest online marketplace, where anyone can trade online anytime and anywhere. There are million items available for fixed-price and also auction-style trading which is conducted online in their day to day e- commerce business.

Questions arose as how eBay did and the reason of the success and sustainability to be the leading in the online trading platform?
The key successful factor is the trust and safety. eBay has developed a Trust and safety team which is responsible to maintain a safe trading marketplace for people from all around the world to trade with each other. For example, there is a set of rules and regulation to guide the clients whenever they trade in eBay. The rules and regulation is strictly enforceable to prevent any fraud and unethical transactions occurred.

Moreover, eBay’s transaction processing to make online payment is supported by the PayPal, which is the leader in the online payment solution. It enables an individual and business to securely and easily make or receives their payment by online. On the other hand, PayPal fraud prevention would keep buyers’ financial information private and highly confidential from the sellers and other to others unauthorised access. Other than using PayPal to make the payment, buyers also can make their payment by credit card, debit card, Paymate, Propay and other payment methods.

The next success contributor to eBay is a convenient platform to search and bargain for the item. A buyer can find the items that they wish to purchase by either searching or browsing through the catalogue. For the buyer who is looking for a specific item, they can just enter the descriptive or key word of the item into the search column. There are also some specific options which allow the buyer to narrow their search.

Also, eBay provides a feedback option which enables the buyers or sellers to leave their feedback and comments on particulars products, services, and even comment on the members. This option played a significance role because it is a useful option which ensures the buyers with the reputation of members before they trade with each others. This can increase the trustworthy of a buyer to other members who they wish to trade with.

To be sustainable and continue to be the leading in e-commerce, eBay is striving for continuous improvement in all aspect.

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