Thursday, June 18, 2009 – E-commerce failure and its causes was launched 3rd November 1999, with approximately $125million of funding from Europe largest luxury goods group. It was actually a high profile e-tailer website, but due to several serious problems in managing the site, had failed in this competing industry. spent a lot for consultancy fees after the launched had been delay for 6 months. The online virtual shopping assistant “Miss Boo” did not successfully helping visitors with purchasing experience. The site was reported slow browsing, poor navigation and irritating technology which caused bad reputation for Moreover, can’t fulfill the “three click rules” in web design, which means customer should be able to access to their product information not more than three clicks. makes the process over complicated. Besides, computer text appeared instead of graphics causes customers unable to view and purchase the products. Customers’ complaint on the poor online shopping experience that advised customer to limit their transaction discourages customers to drop on the site again. This is because there is no site-testing before it is launched, and they ignore the users of their site. has a nice graphic and 3-D view on the products, but they ignore the price of those products. The bad marketing completely shows where Boo did not fulfill 3 important criteria which are “ease/convenience”, “better prices” and “speed of process”. Furthermore, there is bad planning in expanding their business plan. The management tries to dominate in the market immediately instead of expanding step by step. had lack of sound financial management, due to huge cost spend on technological and employee benefits. Besides, did not have a manager to oversee its spending. Instead of cut down the cost, employs excessive employees which show a bad human resource management in the company.

The last and the main reason fail is where investors refuse to continually inject money into business after it has spent $380 million. This force into liquidation and finally it was bought by a US fashion portal,

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