Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pros & Cons of E-learning from student prespective

E-learning is the use of technologies in learning opportunities, without face-to-face interaction. It is different from the traditional class room learning. By using e-learning, student can learn through internet in their house. E-learning includes web-based training, computer-based training and web-based learning.

Some Malaysin universities offer e-learning courses such as Universiti Teknologi Pertronas (UTP), University of Malaya (UM) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

Pros on e-learning:
1) Reduce cost and time
Student can save the time and money travel to school. Since e-learning can be conducted at home, student can just study at home. Besides that, student can control the time of learning, they can choose to learn until wherever the like.

2) Flexibility
Student can schedule their time table themselves. This will allow student to study at the time they prefer. Besides that, student can also choose a comfortable place that they prefer, e-learning can be conducted anywhere as long as there is a computer that can access to the internet. In addition, with the flexibility of time, student can do some part-time job whenever they are free.

3) Personalized learning
E-learning encourages students to peruse through information by using hyperlinks and sites on the worldwide Web. Students are able to find information relevant to their personal situations and interest. E-learning allows selection of learning materials
E-learning is more focused on the students because student can get the information they wanted to learn. E-learning is flexible and can be customized to meet the individual needs.

Cons on e-learning:
1) Lack of communication
Without the face-to-face communication, student will face the communication problem with their tutor or lecturer. Student may communicate with them by using e-mail or msn, but sometimes the e-mail is not instantly reply by the lecturer. This will not be useful if the student have an emergency problem.

2) Unmotivated
E-learning requires time to complete especially those with assignments and interactive collaborations. Students have to be highly motivated and responsible because all the work they do is on their own. Learners with low motivation may not complete modules.

3) Access
Students need to have computer skills with programs such as word processing, Internet browsers, and e-mail. Without these skills and software it will be difficult to conduct e-learning. Slow Internet connections or older computers may cause the learners to get frustrated and give up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Review of Malaysia Transactional E-Commerce Website : MPH Bookstore

MPH bookstore is one of the largest bookstore in Malaysia selling books ranging from fiction and non fiction books, teens books and also children books. This online bookstore also gives special offers to its customers.
Type of product
MPH bookstore is offering books from 36 different types of categories ranging from Business Studies, Home decoration and Improvement, Lifestyle, Law and legal books, as well as books on religion and relationship.

Site Design and Layout
MPH bookstore have a good layout where they categories their range of books into fiction and non fiction, best seller, new release, hot titles,coming soon, and special offers. This make it convenient for customer to find what book they are interested. Moreover each books have a short synopsis on the content of the book. This gives a picture of what the customer is going to purchase. The use of flash is also a smart choice to make the website alive and fun.

Availability of Search Engine and Shopping Carts.
A search engine is also equipped in the website of this online bookstore to make sure its website is user friendly.It cut down customer's time searching for the books they are interested to purchase. Moreover, a good e-commerce website is always equipped with a search engine for convenience of users. Shopping carts is available for customers to place the items that the customer are planning to buying and customer are still able to continue shopping and compare prices before making the final payment.

Color and Fonts Selection
The website design is simple and clear. The author uses white color as the background of their website while the wordings are in blue. White is a wise choice as the color of the books are very colorful which fits perfectly into the background color.

Payment and Security
MPH online bookstore is secured by SSL which is security socket layer. It is where customer information such as credit card number will be encrypted twice to prevent the information from being misuse, loss, or damage. MPH also provides all kind of payment methods for customers' convenience. Among the payment methods offered are by visa, master and also debit card and even online payment thru website.

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