Thursday, June 18, 2009

History and evolution of e-commerce

E-commerce has tremendously developed over the past few years. It can be defined as the transaction of selling, buying, transferring or exchanging goods, information and services using the Internet. In the past, people need to go to a physical shop to shop for clothing, groceries, food and many more. However, since e-commerce wan introduced, shopping and travelling time can be cut down. Today, the most successful firm with e-commerce based would be Airasia. Most firm nowadays use E-commerce as a way to cut cost (permit cost, material cost) while trying to improve e their services and goods to be able to compete with other organization in offering their customer a better quality of goods and wider range of products.

History of e-commerce is dated back to when the term “buying and selling”, internet, computer and electricity was invented and introduced. It all started in 1991 when Internet was opened for commercial use. With the help of Electronic Funds Transfer and Electronic Data Interchange which appeared in late 1970s, users are able to exchange business information and carry out electronic transaction. Organizations and companies are able to send commercial documentation electronically to its supplier, customers, as well as creditors.

In 1984, the Electronic Data Interchange was standardized through ASCX12, enabling the transfer of large amount of transaction become more reliable and stable. Next development occurred in 1992 when Mosaic web-browser was made available and adapted into Nescape. It enables easier and convenient access to electronic commerce. This is when online retail products are offered and purchases are made online by the customer The Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) was introduced which allows faster access and more stable connection to the internet.

The development and success of E-commerce can be seen in 1995 with two biggest E-commerce based companies which are and In 1999, retail spending over the Internet reaches $20 billion according to and is still expending again day after day.

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