Sunday, July 12, 2009

E-Goverment in Malaysia

E-government, also known as online government, is the combination of use of the information technology and E-commerce in which to provide individuals or organisations with more convenient and easy access to government’s information and services.
In Malaysia, our government is also adopted E-government. It will improve the government operation as well as the delivery of services to the citizens.

Currently, there is several application of E-government in our country. One of the most common applications is the E-filing. This is an online system introduced by Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDM) which allows the residents to submit their income tax details through online. E-filing serves as an alternatives method to the manual tax return form. This speed and ease the tax payment procedures.
Additionally, E-perolehan transforms the traditional manual procurement process in the government machinery to electronic procurement online. This allows suppliers to post their products or services over Internet and manage the order as well as payments from government agencies through Internet. Furthermore, citizens can also renew their road tax or their driving license through online by using E-government application.

E-government brings us lots of convenience. However, there are still some limitation and loop holes:
1) Authenticity and security
Many citizens do not trust on the transaction made online.

2) Language barrier
Most of the E-government site is based on Bahasa Malaysia. Some citizens may face those language problems when they wish to conduct some transaction through E-government.

3) Lack of public awareness
The implementation of E-government is not so popular and most of the citizens are not aware of it.

4) Technological limitation
There is lack of knowledge and technology to conduct E-government by the citizens.

In order to overcome all of the limitations, government should promote and acknowledge the citizens regarding the E-government system. This can be done through TV and radio so that citizens are aware of the application. Moreover, citizens must be educated to use the E-government systems.

Other than that, government should simplify the procedures in access to the E-government application. There must be clear and easy steps to guide the users, especially to those new users.

In order to eliminate the language problem, the government should provide different version of languages which enable the users to choose their preferable languages.

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