Sunday, July 12, 2009

Corporate Blogging

Corporate blog is published and used as a marketing communication tools. Nowadays, a lot of companies create blog for public to view their companies. Corporate blog is common for large company and it also act as a public relations tools or communication channel since they allow public to leave comment. Company often uses blog to introduce new products or services, explain and clarify policies, or react to public criticism on certain issues. “Blog” is now a new company website, it is more than a homepage of a company’s website and it is more personal because they are written by outside people and in conversational tone of voice. CEO, employees and other internal user can easily update the blog without knowledge of programming or professional web layouting. Blog create an easier and straight forward way for company to communicate with public, and public can provide feedback to company directly.
The official Google Blog is the top rating corporate blog around the world. They use blog as a public relation tools effectively. They introduce new products or services and information about the company in their blog post. Google blog talk lots about their company policy and how their company operates. They also explain the new policy and the impact of issue in the world to their company. They get reader’s feedback from the comments in their blog and improve their web. They even involve in education on providing school a tools for learning. Google even teach reader new knowledge about the world technology.
The Pros and Cons of Corporate Blogging:
1) Dialogue with consumers
2) Regular turnover of content to give consumers reason to return
3) Seen to be embracing Web 2.0
4) Search engine visibility
5) Requires little budget input

1) Time consuming activity, keeping content fresh and updated
2) Legal minefield, privacy concerns
3) Lack of control vs. over-moderation
4) Sourcing relevant “voice”/blogger
5) Hard to measure ROI

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